2024 Indoor Aquatic Survey

Dear Taney or Stone County Resident,
The Skaggs Foundation has partnered with the City of Branson Parks and Recreation Department to conduct an indoor aquatic center feasibility study. A component of that feasibility study is a statistically representative survey of residents in Taney and Stone Counties. Your household was selected at random to receive this survey. The survey will be a key component in determining the potential for an indoor aquatic center and the amenities that could be included.

We have selected ETC Institute, an independent consulting company, as our agency to administer this survey. They will compile the data and present the results once they have received a required number of completed surveys, so your participation is very important. Please be assured that your responses will remain confidential.

This community survey is a tool that will benefit both Taney and Stone County residents and visitors alike.

Please take this opportunity to make your voice heard!